Picture of RamburanRambutan - The hairy red or yellow rambutan has soft succulent and juicy flesh, a particularly welcome treat in hot weather.

Nutritional content (per 100g edible portion) = 38mg Vitamin C + 22mg calcium. Weights: 20g.

Main Season: July - August. Minor Season: December - January

The first rambutan tree was planted in Surat Thani in 1926, and this fair celebrates the delicious fruit, which now grows widely in the area. Highlights include exhibitions of local products and ornamental plants, floats adorned with rambutan and other fruits, and demonstrations of trained monkeys who harvest coconuts.

When ripe, rambutans are a deep crimson or bright yellow. You open the fruit by splitting the tough skin with a thumbnail and peeling it off. Or you can draw a knife around its middle and pull the top off to reveal a lovely firm white fruit in its own miniature egg cup that's easy to hold or hand to a friend. In size and taste, the rambutan most closely resembles the lychee. To eat, pop the rambut
an whole into your mouth and chew your way around the single seed that you'll find in the centre.

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